Toowoomba Regional Council
Customer Service Area
Call Centre
Meeting Rooms
Training Room
Entry Canopy & Landscaping
Building Signage
RCP provided project management services for the refurbishment of the Toowoomba Regional Council’s (TRC) Customer Service Centre. The project initially involved complete strip out of the existing fit-out and extensive demolition of the existing building entry and landscaping. Complete refurbishment of both lower and upper levels was undertaken as well as construction of a new entrance canopy, landscape and building signage. RCP’s services initially involved a “Location Options Analysis and Project Definition” report. Once the location for the new centre was decided, RCP services then included the selection of design consultants, design management, approvals management, procurement advice, tender management, contract administration including project reporting and defect rectification management.
It was critical to have the Customer Service Centre operational by March 2011. In order to satisfy the TRC’s requirements for the delivery of the project. Several procurement strategies were devised and implemented through various stages of the project. A tight construction programme was further challenged by the flood event in South East Queensland in January 2011. RCP’s project management strategies were applied through both the design stage and construction administration of the construction contract and RCP successfully delivered the project within the required timeframe.