JCU – Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM)


Client: James Cook University
Value: $32m
Project Timeframe: August 2015 – September 2016
Services Provided: Project Management


The Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) is a state and federal government funded project which was constructed at James Cook University’s (JCU) Townsville campus. RCP’s North Queensland office provided project management services to JCU throughout the construction, commissioning and occupation phases of the project.

The building is operating as a world-class infectious diseases research facility incorporating physical containment laboratories, biological facilities, specialist laboratory support spaces and offices. The facility’s primary research focus is in bio-security research, including the development of diagnostic tools, vaccines, and the identification of bacterial pathogens.

The ground floor of this monumental building also accommodates a translational research facility which centres on the development of new treatments, research into and translation of the findings from clinical trials into everyday practice.