Queensland Government
Contract Method
2 Stage Managing Contractor
- New 10,000m2 sports and leisure centre to be used during the games for badminton, wrestling and weightlifting
- Refurbished indoor sports stadium
- Lighting upgrade to the Carrara Stadium
- New sports fields
RCP was engaged by the Queensland Department of State Development to provide programming services for the redevelopment of the Carrara Sports Precinct complex including the construction of a new sports and leisure centre, as well as the refurbishment of the existing indoor sports stadium.
RCP’s role included the production of a development programme for the project inclusive of all project stages from design through to construction followed by regular progress monitoring and reporting. In addition RCP has provided detailed reviews of tender programmes, detailed reviews of the managing contractor proposed construction programmes as well as providing detailed progress reporting and programme advice to Queensland Department of State Development.
Following the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, the Carrara Sports and Leisure Centre will be a major site for elite and community sporting groups with a large number of users.