Adelaide Oval SMA Limited
- Multi Code Sports Facility
- Retained heritage features
- New 20,000 seat East Stand
- New 13,000 seat South Stand with 130m single span
- Conversion of oval into a sports precinct incorporating:
- Indoor cricket training
- Bradman Museum
- Tennis Club
- Practice oval
- Health Club, SMA Admin & Plaza
- Cost $530m
RCP was engaged to provide programming advice to the Adelaide Stadium Management Authority (SMA) regarding the proposed expansion of the Adelaide Oval into a 50,000 seat stadium, capable of hosting both Australian Rules Football and cricket at the highest level.
The main aspect of the project includes the replacement of the existing South and East Stands to provide similar upgraded facilities to the recently constructed West Stand. In addition the development also includes buildings to house new tennis, AFL and indoor cricket facilities.
RCP’s programming service provided confirmation of a two year construction period concluding in March 2014, plus options centered around access to the pitch area for construction activities and their impact on the ability to hold a test match in 2013.