RCP’s objective is to provide solution-focused services to our clients at the highest industry standard.
To achieve our quality and risk objectives and continually improve the services we offer, RCP undertakes an on-going and independent review process of our processes and systems.
RCP’s quality assurance system conforms to Standard AS/NZS ISO 9001 (Int):2015 and Sci-Qual International conducts regular quality surveillance audits as a third party independent certifier. Successfully operating under this externally audited system since 1994, RCP is one of the first project management consultancies to gain independent quality assurance certification in Australia and is twice recognised by the Australian Organisation for Quality for service excellence.
We possess the necessary technical, professional and practical experience to effectively manage project risk. Our proven processes and systems to achieve successful project delivery combined with our strategic advice to achieve optimum returns identify and control critical paths throughout project delivery. Our industry leading advice and services provide manageable risk options to achieve project objectives, thereby enhancing the outcome of asset development.
Sci Qual International Pty Ltd awarded RCP the ‘Quality Management System 20 Year Gold Award’ in 2015 in recognition of the efforts our organisation has made in the management of our Quality System over the past 20 years.