Gold Coast Airport Redevelopment Testimonial

Marion Charlton
Chief Operating Officer
Queensland Airport Ltd

I’m pleased to provide you with a letter of recommendation commending RCP for the services your team has provided on the Gold Coast Airport redevelopment, the largest infrastructure project on the Gold Coast.

RCP was appointed as the project director and performed project management, superintendency, plus specialist project and operational readiness, activation, and transition (ORAT) programming roles to assist Queensland Airports Limited (QAL) in the delivery and activation of this major upgrade.

As COO, managing the day-to-day operations of the airport and overseeing the transformational terminal expansion, maintaining the smooth operation of the existing airport while the various redevelopment projects have been underway was critical.

The highly coordinated and complex project was delivered in a challenging live environment with passenger and airport personnel safety the priority. The project doubled the airport footprint adding 30,000m2 including landside, sterile and airside areas, and within Border Agency controlled environments.

Running over 5 years, the project experienced numerous challenges from the airport closing for 45 days due to COVID-19 and effectively having no income for two years. The decision was made to forge ahead with construction and budget had to be carefully managed and flexibility was essential to manage the project through the unknown.

When air travel returned, your team ensured efficient delivery of all project stages with no interruption to public spaces or the flight program. RCP’s collaborative and open approach to engaging with all stakeholders has been crucial to our success in this extremely sensitive environment.

Unique to GCA is its innovative swing functionality from international to domestic mode providing flexibility and enables the airport to be used efficiently, cost effectively and to the benefit of our airline partners. Also the design, delivery, and installation of the aerobridges was quite a feat but professionally managed by the RCP team.

We are all immensely proud of the project. This major redevelopment was undertaken to enhance the airport’s capacity and pave the way for future passenger growth and improved customer experience. Your team has certainly helped achieve that for the Gold Coast Airport with figures from the 2023 calendar year showing more than 6.2 million passengers travelled through the airport.

Click here to view project details