RCP recognises the importance of conducting its operations in the safest possible manner. We are committed to complying with all applicable health & safety legislation and regulations in our workplace.
Our health & safety systems seek to provide procedures and training to create and maintain a safe working environment. This is undertaken by conducting an induction program for new employees, training and information sessions, development and implementation of accident prevention programs and regular review to identify areas for continued improvement.
RCP has in place a fully developed WHS management system which complies with the Work Health & Safety Act 2011 and is in accordance with WHS legislation.
In 2012, RCP was audited by Greencap Limited (formerly Noel Arnold & Associates) and achieved OHS Cm3 accreditation for our service provision. Our Cm3 compliant workplace health & safety system gives the assurance that RCP’s systems and processes are compliant with current OHS legislation within the provision of our services.