The RCP Townsville team is proud to have recently won the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) Project Management Achievement Award (PMAA) Queensland chapter regional award for the – Mater Private Hospital Townsville: Mercy Centre, held virtually on Thursday 25 November.
The PMAAs recognise, honour, and promote outstanding achievements in program and project leadership. In its 21st year, the PMAAs celebrated project management excellence across 13 categories for organisations and individuals.
RCP was engaged by Mater to provide project management and programming services for the construction of the Mercy Centre at Mater Private Hospital, Townsville. The project involved construction of a 4 storey clinical services building, including a new digital imaging facility, state-of-the-art digital operating theatres, day surgery unit and a new hospital entrance.
The RCP Townsville team, Richard Foster and Nathan Shepherd, managed all aspects of the development, from design development, client stakeholder engagement, consultant procurement, design, contractor tendering and tenant integration.
RCP North Queensland Manager, Richard Foster said, “RCP was able to prepare Mater for the sequential works stages and successfully manage the invasive construction works, reducing disruption and interruption to the functioning hospital campus. Careful planning, good communication and strong leadership were required to achieve the project objectives.”
“We also managed the works through two significant force majeure events – first the flood and the state of disaster declaration and then Covid-19 pandemic.”
The redevelopment of the Mater Private Hospital in Townsville provides residents in North Queensland with contemporary medical facilities and industry-leading treatment and care services.
The PMAAs are presented at state level, with winners progressing through to the national awards to be presented at the AIPM National Conference in early 2022.
To view RCP’s AIPM award win for the Mater Private Hospital Townsville click here.